
First day of work!

8:12:00 PM,0 Comments

Yesterday was the first day of work at company A. Even though it has only been one day and yesterday was just orientation, I saw immense differences between this company and the company I worked for in Japan.
The most glaring difference is the focus on the employees vs the focus on the CEO. In my previous company, I remember I had to read one of the CEO's books and write a report on it prior to entering the company. Also, the image of my manager dedicating about 5 minutes in the morning meeting gushing over the latest book written by the CEO and encouraging us to purchase it is still etched in my head. On top of that, HR sent out a nearly mandated survey for all employees to evaluate the book. We were expected to pay for the book from our own pockets and set aside our personal time to read the book.
Other than this example, I was not sure if the company's goals were to train their employees and equip them with the best tools to grow professionally and contribute their utmost part to the company or to inundate us with messages on how lucky and appreciative we should be to work in the firm. I heard this story where the CEO absolutely refuses to speak/respond to an employee because he was planning to leave the firm.

On the contrary, the company I am joining now seems to care about our own professional growth. Instead of admonishing us for entertaining the idea of using the company as a stepping stone, the presenter at yesterday's orientation assured us that working there for a few years before moving on was fine and common. The focus seems to be on us, on our career progression, and on how we can contribute to the company. Moreover, they also touched on the importance of doing good for the future generation.

I am excited to embark on this new journey, but I am also nervous. I'm nervous that I might not do so well and that my manager won't like me. I'm nervous about making mistakes and saying stupid things. I think the more I worry, the worse I will carry myself and the worse the impression I inflict on the people around me. I will try to be confident in myself and in my abilities.