beauty tips

10 Minutes a Day to a Slimmer Face

12:15:00 AM,0 Comments

Of the numerous quirky beauty standards in Asia, one is to have a small face (小顔 - kogao). Preferably a "V-shape face" as it's famously coined in Korea. Small faces is synonymous with being slim and attractive.
I too, suffering from having a round and puffy face, have used massage rollers from the cheap plastic ones you can buy at the 100 yen store to the $100-$200 platinum ceramic rollers that's designed to induce the natural drainage of the lymph nodes. I have bought chinstrap facepacks to help lift up the fat around your chin and cheeks. No doubt the majority of these solutions simply do not work or they're temporary and just require too much effort to achieve the end result. While I was lamenting my unfortunate fate to a colleague, she recommends that I try the "Tanaka Massage".
The Tanaka message was invented by a Japanese makeup artist, Yukuko Tanaka. It is supposed to help you achieve a face that looks 10 years younger. Initially aimed to help fight wrinkles and fine lines, improve sagging skin, and reduce under-eye bags, this 10 min technique prove effective in slimming down the appearance of your face. My colleague who recommended this told me she lost considerable fat in her face after massaging her face for 10 mins everyday for 2 weeks. 
Follow the instructions in the video learn how to get a slimmer face in just 10 minutes a day!

There are several tips I have for those who are going to do this.
  1. Make sure you are using a massage cream. It will reduce redness in your skin when you're doing the massage.
  2. Make sure the pressure is strong enough that it hurts just a bit when you pull back or lift up. But don't exert too much pressure to the point where you feel sore.
  3. Take off your makeup prior to doing the massage or perform it prior to putting on makeup.
  4. Take it slow and make sure you're doing each move purposely.
I am also doing this massage and will update you on the progress in a couple of weeks!